• 0 26 24 / 20 30 We're available: Mo-Fr: 08:00 - 12.00am / 1.00 - 5.00pm)
  • Established 1952
  • 0 26 24 / 20 30 We're available: Mo-Fr: 08:00 - 12.00am / 1.00 - 5.00pm)
  • Established 1952

Contact and Opening hours

For a faster and better service we would like to get to know you better:

Please state your full name and contact details.

If you have any questions about a product we are happy to receive as many information as possible i. e.: Do you know the article number? How would you like to use it, how did you use it?

Opening hours

Monday - Friday:

8.00 - 12.00 am

1.00 - 5.00 pm

  • Saturday: closed
  • Rosenmontag (Special Monday during carnival): closed
  • November 1st: (holiday): closed
  • Company holidays: days between Christmas and New Years Eve: closed (please check german website for detailed information)